Saturday, April 05, 2008

Faithfulness and Perfection.

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is so helpful to me. Especially as a convert. I find it incredibly satisfying to go through an examination of conscience, to think about my vocation, about my relationship with God and with others.

Then the time in the confessional brings peace. Even if I sometimes don't want to hear what the priest has to say!

Pondering today, after Confession, I began to think of being faithful.

Am I a faithful wife? Sure, I am not having affairs but is there a mental faithfulness?

Am I faithful to my vocation of motherhood? To the other areas in which I feel called to work and serve and live?

Reading on the net tonight about faithfulness, I found this blog and a post on being faithful rather than being perfect.

In our own lives too, being faithful implies living a life of faith in response to God’s calling (Rom. 8:28-30), and not merely living a life of moral perfection.

Pope/St. Gregory the Great wrote about the qualities of a faithful servant of God in leadership in his book Pastoral Care. “Indeed, a servant is guilty of adulterous thought, if he craves to please the eyes of the bride when the bridegroom sends gifts to her by him,” he wrote, comparing those of his priests who would compromise the truth in order to win their parishioners’ favor, to an unfaithful servant of the Bridegroom who seeks to use the gift to win the bride’s heart for himself (Pastoral Care, Part II, Ch. 8). Faithfulness to God and to others often means working to win their hearts for God and not for self, sometimes even at the cost of losing their favor for oneself.

Faithfulness implies service to the One whose glory we want more than we want our own. It implies even giving up having a reputation for perfection in the eyes of other people in order to live a life of faith in response to God.


1 comment:

Ria said...

We are terribly good at putting the horse before the cart aren't we? Moral perfection at first glance is easier to aim for than faithfulness. One is conditional upon the external help of an often times intangible God, and the other upon our own strength.

Romans 1 tells us in verse 15 that 'obedience' comes through 'faith'. It would seem that we would need the faith, to be faithful and thus to be obedient.

It really removes the reliance upon our own ability and puts us safely back in the hands of graceful God who leads us to obedience as a result of our faith/fulness.