Monday, April 07, 2008

Enjoying Life on Mars

We love this TV series and recently bought Series 2 on DVD.

No, it is not a doco on Life on Mars. More like a cop show with a science fiction twist. The title comes from David Bowie's song Life on Mars ( Is there life on Mars? she sings).

Last night, while dh and I were out for our pre-anniversary evening, the older kids watched the rest of the series. I am aghast! They know the ending before I do. And they won't tell me the ending, just that it is super.

I am the kind of person who reads the ending of the book first.

Who likes knowing endings in advance - especially if the ending might be sad.

Who got son Anthony to text me the ending of the last Harry Potter book, before I had read it ( to text me, so others who didn't want to know wouldn't have to hear).

The suspense will kill me.

Dh and I will have to find time this week to catch up on DVD viewing...


Anonymous said...

Yes, well, you know you're still going to know it before me!

I take great comfort in the fact that you have to know the endings, too. My husband now thinks both of us are weird. Hmm.

I bet you can't watch Stranger than Fiction without going to the end first.


PS Gordon emailed our minister so he wouldn't accidentally give away the ending before we saw it.

Leonie said...

lol! Gordon seriously doesn't want to know the ending??? I am dying to find out about the whole coma thing...