Monday, October 09, 2006

Looking Sexy at 60 +

My new fitness
role models.

Okay, I am nowhere near 60 but I hope I look as good as these when I get there.

Oh, well, I don't even look that good now, in my 40s! lol!


Anonymous said...

Ugh! I don't look that good at 37!!!! Although I'm making it a goal to look great by 40 :D

Susan <><

Leonie said...

lol Susan - we can work on it together. :-)

Cindy said...

Right, Leonie!

I think these ladies all have someting on common.. good genes! lol

I have a cousin who is 15 years older than me. When I was 10, she was so beautiful at 25... then when I was 20, she was georgous at 35... and I realized I will never look as good as her! I just saw her last year at a family function and she was still terrific and pretty at 60ish.

I am trying now to work out and eat right and take the philsophy that God will make me look how he wants me to look. I often thought that if he had made me really, really pretty than I would have turned into an egomanic mess. !! So he gave me some humility.

But, yes, working out is a great goal. There is a lady at my studio who is well past 60 and she comes more than anyone else. I know b/c I run the computer and see. She is healthy and strong and does low impact and is a real role model for me.

You are a role model too.. you are the same age as I and keep me motivated! We can all do this together. When I fail (esp with eating) I jsut think.. well if I keep working out I am better off than if I didn't.


ps, Hi Susan!

Anonymous said...

I disagree with Cindy, I think what these ladies have in common is money and lots of time for their personal trainers, dieticians, plastic surgeons, weekends at the spa, etc!

I don't wanna look sexy at 60. Its kinda of creepy. I would much rather look like Mother Teresa, or the holy father, radiant with love. No make up, no hair dye, just love shining through. That is what I need to work on. That is where the real beauty lies.

Leonie said...

Cindy, I think taking care of ourselves physically is important - Faith, I don't think it has to be an either or. Can't I try to be beautiful both inside and out?

Perhaps I am greedy! lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh my. I just reread my own comment and boy do I sound priggish.


Forgive me!



Leonie said...

Not at all, Faith . :-)