Sunday, January 04, 2009

The Epiphany

Well, sort of.

Intellectually I still hold that the feast of the Epiphany is January 6, keeping the twelve days of Christmas. But liturgically, I understand that in the US and Australia the feast has been moved to the nearest Sunday, to "allow all the faithful to participate in this feast."

Three wise men
magi from the east
brought presents.

Gold = for kingship. Frankincense = for priesthood. Myrrh = for burial.

We always share gold foil covered chocolate coins on this day.


molly said...

Fun idea, we receive gifts from teh Three Kings, wrapped in gold paper. Those Kings better get it together, and start wrapping:)

Leonie said...

lol! Nice idea re the gifts. Have to admit that chocolate coins are easier. :-)

Anonymous said...

I still think of it as the 6th. When do you take your tree down?