When times go bad
When times go rough
Wont you lay me down in tall grass
And let me do my stuff Second Hand News - Fleerwood Mac - Rumours
The Rumours album is arguably Fleetwood Mac's best album, written when they were on the verge of splitting up...Yet, for me, the album has happy songs. Lke the one above, I love the boppy music. And love the lyrics.
I dont want to know the reasons why
Love keeps right on walking down the line
I dont want to stand between you and love
Honey, I just want you to feel fine I Don'tWant To Know - Ibid.
When times go rough
Wont you lay me down in tall grass
And let me do my stuff Second Hand News - Fleerwood Mac - Rumours
The Rumours album is arguably Fleetwood Mac's best album, written when they were on the verge of splitting up...Yet, for me, the album has happy songs. Lke the one above, I love the boppy music. And love the lyrics.
I dont want to know the reasons why
Love keeps right on walking down the line
I dont want to stand between you and love
Honey, I just want you to feel fine I Don'tWant To Know - Ibid.
Hey, these were my theme songs. When younger, of course...We played the album in the car today, on the way to homeschool ice skating. And memories came flooding back.
If you wake up and dont want to smile,
If it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
You'll see things in a different way.
Dont stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Dont stop, itll soon be here,
Itll be, better than before,
Yesterdays gone, yesterdays gone Don't Stop
Theme songs? Yeah..I was a pretty wild young thing. Full of enthusiam for life. But not very prudent.
If you wake up and dont want to smile,
If it takes just a little while,
Open your eyes and look at the day,
You'll see things in a different way.
Dont stop, thinking about tomorrow,
Dont stop, itll soon be here,
Itll be, better than before,
Yesterdays gone, yesterdays gone Don't Stop
Theme songs? Yeah..I was a pretty wild young thing. Full of enthusiam for life. But not very prudent.
I remember when my then boyfriend, now husband, asked me to marry him. I said Yes - but why? Because I thought it sounded like fun to be married. A new experience. Something fun and different.
At least I was enthusiastic. And this year we will have been married thirty years ( Oh. My. Gosh..).
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up is all you wanna do
If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
Open up
Everythings waiting for you
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way Go Your Own Way
Loved the lines packing up..shacking up...everything's waiting for you..
I still feel that everything's there, waiting. Fun. Laughter. New things to see. New places to go. New people to meet. New things to try.
Like today. It sounds boring as I write it down but I found it fun. After ice skating,I visited Campbell's Cash n Carry to buy things for our parish morning teas, suppers, et al. Woo hoo! It was fun. Exciting even. Pushing around this large pallet on wheels, looking at the arena of goods in the warehouse. Like stepping into another world.
Texted my husband and said I felt very proper, very economical, very frugal, very organised. Like I was playing at being a good housewife. Move over Kate Winslett in Revolutionary Road.
I think he thinks I'm strange.
But enthusiasm for life is important for me. Especially today as I contemplate the feast day of St John Bosco - January 31.
Those who know me know that that St John Bosco is one of my mothering mentors. I have always been impressed with the warmth he had for the boys in his care, for their interests, for playing kids' games, being immersed in their world, so that he loved what they loved ~ and they came to love what he loved ~ namely, Christ. The Church. The Faith. The Sacraments.
Everything and everyone is is won by the sweetness of our words and works
You can do nothing with children unless you win their confidence and love by bringing them into touch with oneself, by breaking through all the hindrances that keep them at a distance. We must accommodate ourselves to their tastes, we must make ourselves like them. St John Bosco
Okay, I admit it is a far stretch of the imagination from Fleetwod Mac and their less-than-holy lyrics to St John Bosco, for whom purity was important.
Yet, I see a connection. In my past. The connection is happiness. And enthusiasm.
I associate both these attributes with my experiences of the songs above and with my experiences with the writings of St John Bosco.
At least I was enthusiastic. And this year we will have been married thirty years ( Oh. My. Gosh..).
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up is all you wanna do
If I could
Baby I'd give you my world
Open up
Everythings waiting for you
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way Go Your Own Way
Loved the lines packing up..shacking up...everything's waiting for you..
I still feel that everything's there, waiting. Fun. Laughter. New things to see. New places to go. New people to meet. New things to try.
Like today. It sounds boring as I write it down but I found it fun. After ice skating,I visited Campbell's Cash n Carry to buy things for our parish morning teas, suppers, et al. Woo hoo! It was fun. Exciting even. Pushing around this large pallet on wheels, looking at the arena of goods in the warehouse. Like stepping into another world.
Texted my husband and said I felt very proper, very economical, very frugal, very organised. Like I was playing at being a good housewife. Move over Kate Winslett in Revolutionary Road.
I think he thinks I'm strange.
But enthusiasm for life is important for me. Especially today as I contemplate the feast day of St John Bosco - January 31.

Those who know me know that that St John Bosco is one of my mothering mentors. I have always been impressed with the warmth he had for the boys in his care, for their interests, for playing kids' games, being immersed in their world, so that he loved what they loved ~ and they came to love what he loved ~ namely, Christ. The Church. The Faith. The Sacraments.
Everything and everyone is is won by the sweetness of our words and works
You can do nothing with children unless you win their confidence and love by bringing them into touch with oneself, by breaking through all the hindrances that keep them at a distance. We must accommodate ourselves to their tastes, we must make ourselves like them. St John Bosco
Okay, I admit it is a far stretch of the imagination from Fleetwod Mac and their less-than-holy lyrics to St John Bosco, for whom purity was important.
Yet, I see a connection. In my past. The connection is happiness. And enthusiasm.
I associate both these attributes with my experiences of the songs above and with my experiences with the writings of St John Bosco.
keen interest, excitement
activity, ardency, ardor, , conviction, craze, dash, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, ecstasy, élan, emotion, energy, exhilaration, , feeling, fervor,, fieriness, fire, flame, , gaiety, hilarity, hobby, intensity, interest, joy, joyfulness, keenness, life, mirth, nerve, oomph*, passion, pep, rapture, relish, snap, spirit, , verve, vim, vivacity, warmth, zeal, zest
keen interest, excitement
activity, ardency, ardor, , conviction, craze, dash, devotion, eagerness, earnestness, ecstasy, élan, emotion, energy, exhilaration, , feeling, fervor,, fieriness, fire, flame, , gaiety, hilarity, hobby, intensity, interest, joy, joyfulness, keenness, life, mirth, nerve, oomph*, passion, pep, rapture, relish, snap, spirit, , verve, vim, vivacity, warmth, zeal, zest
Bring these to your life and to your parenting, to your marriage, to your work with children. Add faith and prayer. A recipe for unschooling.
Rumours ... Senior year of high school received the album from one of my best friends ... so memories come flooding back too.
Isn't God good to take your enthusiasm 30 years ago and keep it cranked up high all these years! Congrats to you and your dh for keeping it alive and always being so upbeat and enthusiastic!
Your happiness and enthusiasm are contagious. You are a terrific motivator.
I thought about making scrambled eggs this morning and immediately thought of Revolutionary Road. I wonder if I can ever make scrambled eggs again without thinking about the movie and the outcome. Spoiler alert -I am glad she rang the ambulance at the end. I do believe she meant to end her life because of her actions (ringing her children, displaying the psychotic behaviour at breakfast - she was so detatched) but at some point she must have felt an instinct to live, to survive and that is why I belive she rang the ambulance.
I believe it was a cry for help..And scrambled eggs will NEVER be the same.
That must have been some Enthusiasm you had little girl and what a spark for thinking marriage could be 'fun' because here you are 30 years on and only getting stronger!
I love your 'joie de vie' and I'm sure that your hubby must adore it...perhaps the slight hesitations you might perceive from him are him just surprised that it really is so genuine and that it goes on rather than falters (like many others that try putting it on...)
I've found lately that going back to the songs that were 'anthems' to me while growing up help me recharge...bringing a bit of my old optimism, that sometimes can be worn thin by the ins and outs of everyday life...It's helping me 'reconcile' a lot of the old me with the needed changes that are the 'now me', especially now that the kids are older and there seems to be 'a gap' that I'm trying to understand...I had Stephanie at 25 but I was a 'kid' and losing my mom and all the mother and wife responsibilities kind of made me set 'me' aside because there was no time for that...I'm now feeling that I can go back and bring 'her' into the present and enjoy her strengths while learning from her weaknesses...and enthusiasm, joy and optimism were also among 'her' strengths!
...Ohhh sweet wonderful you...you make me happy with the things you do...
...You make lovin' fun...
Those who know me know that that St John Bosco is one of my mothering mentors. - Leonie, it never occured to me before, but WOW!, yes, he would definitely be the perfect saint for a homeschool mum of so many boys!
Julie, your thoughtful comments are always a boost.We really need to talk, don't we? :-) It is hard to reconcile the old with the new, the changing seasons of life, who we were, who we are, who we want to be...Interesting, too, about the anthems. Do we re-visit them with longing or do they still speak to us? Perhaps we jst view them as part of our lives and part of what has made us?
And do you choose anthems now? I'm trying to think about that one.
There's the odd ditty here and there that remind me more of the kids than anything else...but they just aren't the same! I guess they'll stand as anthems for the kids in years to come...it's all the memories and the "speaking to us' that you mentioned...
We do have to have a good Pow-Wow, though!
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