I laughed. I yelled out "No!" I cringed over David Tennant leaving the series. I hid my eyes. I cried.
I just about never cry In Real Life when sad, but cry over books and movies. A psychiatrist would have a field day with me!

I forgot that the recent Dr Who series was so sad. Mirrors life. Creates pathos.
The 2007 Christmas special. The self-sacrifice of some of the characters. The pain of the Doctor. Those for whom he cares leave. Or die.

Self-sacrifice. There are times when we are all called to die to self. Many times, in my life, it is in the little things. Giving up an activity to be with a family member, to please them, make them feel wanted.
A little sacrifice. Seemingly. Yet hard. Hard to put away a little of oneself.
Even in love.
I cried "no" to the act of self-sacrifice of a character in one of the Dr Who episodes today. Yet I know, in my depths, that sacrifice can be necessary. Can be good, especially long term. I have experienced the pain, though pain is too grand a word, I have experienced the unpleasantness of my oh so little sacrifices but have also experienced the fruitful consequences.
Do everything for the love of God and His glory without looking at the outcome of the undertaking. Work is judged, not by its result, but by its intention.
St Pio of Pietrelcina
Choices. David Tennant-as-Doctor had to make a terrible choice, between two unpalatable options. And then live with the results.
I want everyone to in my life to be happy . I want to have it all, do it all, have few limits, live my faith, please everyone and still be me.
I strive to iron out contradictions and problems.
Yet, I really can't please everyone. The Doctor couldn't save everyone; he had to do what he could.
In my life , I can't please everyone all the time. In our lives, we can't please everyone. We have to choose, make right choices, knowing that our choices may be uncomfortable for another. For ourselves. We just have to choose, to act, in prayer.
It is our part to seek, His to grant what we ask; ours to make a beginning, His to bring it to completion; ours to offer what we can, His to finish what we cannot. St. Jerome

Don't we all? We make choices, we decide to sacrifice something dear to us for a loved one but we don 't do this on our own. We have God's grace. We have our friends and family. Sometimes we have a special companion or confidante.
We , too, need to remind ourselves, that we do not have to act on our own, without support. That we , like the Doctor, need someone. A companion or companions. Someone to advise us.
And we need the graces of the Sacraments.
It is not enough for me that God has given me grace once, but He must give it always. I ask, that I may receive; and when I have received, I ask again. I am covetous of receiving God's bounty. He is never slow in giving, nor am I ever weary of receiving. The more I drink, the more thirsty I become. -St. Jerome
I love the new Dr Who series. I love how it knits life with science fiction and entertainment. I love how it makes us think and discuss. And laugh. And cry. Although I was the only cry baby today!
Donna tells the Doctor "Don't try to be clever in Latin!". I caught Alexander's eye. We laughed. Especially at the Latin reference.
But don't try to be clever. Just be, learning and trying to do what is good. Smiling along the way.
To be perfect in one's vocation is nothing else than to perform the duties and offices to which one is obliged, solely for the honor and love of God, referring all to His glory. Whoever works in this manner may be called perfect in his state, a man according to the heart and will of God. St. Francis de Sales
I'm not on the same wavelength with Dr Who, but I do love the Quote for Lifelong Learners today!! WSC is a hero of mine: "Never...give in except to convictions of honor and good sense" is among my favorite of his quotes!
This latest series of Doctor Who was the best so far, and we, too, gained so much fodder for discussion and thought.
Leonie, thanks for always dropping in quotes from our beloved saints - they are incredibly nourishing and so often one will just sock me in the eyes and heart. Today it was St Jerome's - It is not enough for me that God has given me grace once, but He must give it always. I ask, that I may receive; and when I have received, I ask again. I am covetous of receiving God's bounty. He is never slow in giving, nor am I ever weary of receiving. The more I drink, the more thirsty I become. -St. Jerome.
That is so me. Greedy for Him every day, all day. I do not know how I lived without the sacraments all those years.
I find the writings of the saints, their words, to be so helpful. They act as reminders for me. They provoke me to thought or action or prayer. So glad you liked the St Jerome one!
Dr Who is so thought provoking and to share that with you is cool. Thank you Leonie.
Hey, looking 4ward 2 the 25th!
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