Monday, September 29, 2008

A Dr Who party

..for the last episode of of Dr Who in this series.

Sob. I am sad. Very sad.

I won't give spoilers but if you mised Sunday's epiosde, go and buy the DVD. NOW.


Chris said...

I cried and cried. Donna Donna Donna. You are special. Poor Dr. Poor poor Dr.

Chris said...

I like the new look blog.

sheila said...

Don't you LOVE Dr Who? It's SO campy and witty.

Greg said...

I can't believe I wasn't there for that party - it looks like incredible fun!!
The table looks awesome. But if it's going to be a sad episode I might not watch it just at the moment. Might be better to wait and watch it with friends... :)

Leonie said...

Do you guys think that Donna will be okay - I tend to think that she wll be back to the came old stuff and her mum, while wanting to be nice, will be so only for, like, five minutes before reverting to her usual criticisms and put downs. Toxic mothers are like that. I know from experience ( I can feel another blog post coming!).

Chris said...

This is why I was so upset for Donna. This morning Olivia and I were discussing whether Donna would go on to do nothing with her life or whether she would do extraordinary things. Throughout our discussion the influence of a mother as very powerful in a person's life became obvious. We wanted to believe. We chose to believe that Donna's Mum would have been so convicted by the extraordinary circumsatances that they had experienced that she would be changed forever and would encourage Donna to do and be anything she wanted to be. We want to believe the fantasy. I have always been like that though. Whenever movies or books don't end happily I always recreate a new and happy ending to satisfy that part of me.

Jefferson said...

I was so sad about every thing but I didn't cry i was just sad. I hope donna comes back.I wonder what will happen next

Leonie said...

I always want peole to have happy endings - still do, and that is why I hate it when there are any disagreements. And, yet, I have a mother like D0nna's ( well, maginified by like 100!) and history shows me that they don't change...You and Olivia are right, the influencr of a mother is very powerful.

And, Jeferson, are you enjoying the first series??

sheila said...

Sometimes I think about going off with Dr Who on a trip, like Rose and Martha and Donna, but I really don't think you could EVER come back and be happy again. You'd always be looking over your shoulder, wondering where that dratted Tardis went.

I always cry at the end of them. And then I ask my husband why Dr Who always says "I couldn't give her what she wanted." What the HECK does THAT mean? Yegads.

Leonie said...

I know - firstly, how do you go off in that Tardis and leave everyonje but secodnly, how do you NOT go? And how do you return to normal, whatever that may be?