Friday, September 12, 2008

The Holy Name of Mary

After my workout this morning, I talked to the kids about today's feast.

This day became a universal feast on Sept 12, 1683, as thanks for the victory over the Turks who beseiged Vienna and threatened Christianity.
The feast recalls the significance of Mary ~
"Let me say something concerning this name also, which is interpreted to mean Star of the sea, and admirably suits the Virgin Mother." [St. Bernard +1153]

Went to Mass, kids went on a homeschool walk in the Cumberland Forest and I went to a funeral. We all met up again and with homeschool friends went to Castle Towers food hall for lunch.
Where Alexander and a couple of homeschool friends worked on another homeschooler's Chemistry assignment.

See, unschoolers actually do schoolwork ~ even in food halls and over lunch!


Greg said...

Busy day as always! I had a quiet one at work today. And tomorrow will be looking at the camera to try and get it to work (it could just be the batteries...) so I can blog again.
Oh, and I started the day with the Tae-bo Get Ripped Advanced workout and then the 8-min workout on top. Great fun!! Tomorrow will be doing the Abs and Glutes and looking forward to it very much :)

Leonie said...

Well, don't work out too hard - you are pretty thin, you know! Today Dad and I did Taebo Bootcamp Elite Mission 2 - with resistance bands and weights. My upper body is screaming. :-)

I don't have Get Ripped Advanced, heard it was tougher than the Advanced Lives. Your thoughts?