Tuesday, December 05, 2006

St Nicholas

Today we had a very small meeting of Catholic homeschoolers ( and one ex homeschooler :-) ) at our house. We prayed the Rosary. Fr. organized an Advent Blessing, including the blessing of the Advent wreath. We shared food - and talked away the afternoon while the children played.

Then I had to tidy up and do some work for my Kumon centre.

And tomorrow is the feast of St Nicholas. Our Advent activity calendar states "Make cookies for the feast of St Nicholas."

We are making the cookies from here. But probably not in the shape of the Bishop St Nicholas. :-)

We have made these cookies before on this feast day in previous years, and can vouch for their tastiness.

We will also read, yet again, The Miracle of St Nicholas by Gloria Whelan.

And do some Maths and Kumon English. And my Kumon phone calls. And Homeschool Group Learning. And deliver the local newspaper with Thomas and Anthony. And the Advent programme at church for the we older three. And pray the novena for the Immaculate Conception.

Hopefully, a fruitful feast of St Nicholas.

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