We have been finding some cool things to do during Lent, covering our Lenten theme. And counting as schoolwork in my log!
The first is a a calendar for Lent. I found this Lenten Calendar over at the Trinity Acres blogspot. Some good ideas for activities, prayers and saints for each day of Lent.
You can print it out , save it , modify it - very nice!
You can print it out , save it , modify it - very nice!
And , on Wednesday, another interesting activity was writing an Examination of Conscience.
I had Alexander write his own Examination of Conscience. It is based on Scripture verses and is relevant to teens .
The idea was for Alexander to have his own guide for an examination of conscience based on some key Scriptures.He read each verse and thought about how it applies to someone his own age. He then wrote one or two questions based on the passage, to help himself or someone his age make a good examination.
I adapted this idea from the book " 100 Activities Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church." A cool book, with lots of similar, interesting activities and games.
Here are the verses and some of Alexander's questions - perhaps you and your children can write your own?
Matthew 5:22 ( on anger)
Matthew 5:28 ( on lust)
Matthew 5:43-48 ( on love of enemies)
Matthew 6:6 ( on forgiveness)
Matthew 6:24 ; 2 Timothy 6:9 ( on money)
Matthew 7:1-5 ( on judging)
Have I been quick to judge and condemn, even when I know the circumstances?
Romans 12:16 ( on pride)
Havve I thought myself above others? Have I praised myself but not others?
Romans 13 1-7 ( on obedience)
Have I rebelled against my parents? Have I disregarded authority, because I didn't want it or want to hear what those in authority said?
1 Corinthians 13:4-6 ( on love)
Ephesians 4:25 ( on truth)
Have I been honest with those around me? Or have I evaded the truth?
Ephesians 4:28 ( on stealing)
Ehesians 5: 3-4 ( on right speech)
Have I spoken of what I should not?
Ephesians 6:1-3 ( on obeying parents)
Am I always respectful to my parents? Do I honour them and their wishes?
And the last activity that I want to share is art. Well, art related.
Thomas and Anthony illustrated and wrote the titles for each Station from the Stations of the Cross.Good for them to reflect on each Station while drawing, writing, colouring...
Hope you all are having a fruitful Lent.
Great ideas. I am going to have to get that catechism activity book. I've been eyeing it for awhile and just waiting to hear more about it. But you seem to use it a good bit, so maybe I will go for it.
I like the book, Theresa. Simply because it is not simply worksheets ( although there are some of those) but also has ideas for hands on activities, games, discussions, essays for older kids.
Thank you for posting this, Leonie. I really like how it turned out. This book is actually on my wishlist. I think I will purchase it next chance I get.
Did you manage to do this Examination of Conscience activity, Ruth? I know we "chatted" about it.
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