So, what's on for this month?
Nicholas is having a birthday, so here's some of Nick's childhood photos...
Our cat will also have a birthday this month - and it will be one year that we have had Belle with us!
St Valentine and St Brigid and St Brigid's Cross.
At Group Learning, we are looking at Medieval Times and here is a small timeline. We are still reading the My Story books for Aussie history at home.
Jonathon is returning to university study this month, after the Xmas break. Hence the Open Uni logo. Jonathon is enrolled in a Bachelor of Communications, majoring in Public Relations.
A picture from "A Continual Feast", reminding us of the start of Lent in February.
Finally, some copies of the Science books that three of the boys have chosen for Science reading - Physics for Alexander, Science Now is Thomas' selection and the Nature section of an Abeka book is Anthony's current reading.
Happy February all! So nice for us to see some of our month laid out . I admit to being a visual person. And to loving strewing...
P.S. Double click to see the board enlarged...
fun to see whatcha up to!
I like doing the bb with our ideas for the month - its a new form of strewing and it works. The kids notice and help with it, visitors talk about it....
I'd like to give that a try here!
Say Leonie, I just tagged you for that housekeeping meme that has been going around. Love to see your answers!
Elena, I stole the idea from Dawn ( blushes).
I haven't done much blog visiting lately - life gets in the way! lol! - so didn't see the meme or the tag. Off to check it out now.
Elena, I stole the idea from Dawn ( blushes).
I haven't done much blog visiting lately - life gets in the way! lol! - so didn't see the meme or the tag. Off to check it out now.
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