A new background for our computer - we change the background to reflect our current study/artist and the liturgical year.....Currently, we have on one computer, an icon of The Last Judgement. You can see an image
Attending Mass this evening, after what looks to be a VERY busy day today.
"The Christian Church has observed the weeks before Easter as a time of penitence and spiritual self-examination.Self examination means looking back at our past deeds analytically."
From the holiday spot website.This site has info, free wallpaper ( see above for one example), colouring in sheets on Ash Wednesday and on other feasts and other "holidays".
We are having a prayer focus for Lent , and the children are learning more Latin prayers - the Anima Christi is one of these.
"Prayer is a 'vital and personal relationship with the living and true God'". - CCC#2558
Off now to workout, drive to and attend a work meeting with the kids in tow, and teach medieval crafts at homeschool Group Learning!
Oh my goodness, Leonie...I forget your a day ahead of us!
May you enjoy a truly blessed Advent....
I should have written, "you're..."
oh well...humility is a good thing!
Maria - I make heaps of typos myself! lol! Hope your Ash Wed is cool!
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