Wednesday, July 08, 2009

More from The Power and the Glory

I've had a busy day. Just finished my work for the day..and I sit at the computer, coughing. I've prayed my rosary, I've prayed for those in my thoughts, my swirling thoughts today.I feel a cold and cough creeping on.....I feel tired.....What I really want to do is not cook dinner but instead, curl up with my copy of the book The Power and The Glory, and finish it, re-read the raw ending, the sadness and also the, um, the glory.

The priest, Greene's character, thinks ~

She had the tiresome intense note of a pious woman. They were extraordinarily foolish over pictures...He had always been worried by the fate of pious women. As much as politicians, they fed on illusion. He was frightened for them: they came to death so often in a state of invincible complacency, full of uncharity. It was one's duty, if one could, to rob them of their sentimental notions of what was good...

God might forgive cowardice and passion, but was it possible to forgive the habit of piety? He remembered the woman in the prison and how impossible it had been to shake her complacency..He drank the brandy down like damnation: men like the half-caste could be saved, salvation could strike like lightning at the evil heart, but the habit of piety excluded everything but the evening prayer and the Guild meeting and the feel of humble lips on your gloved hand.

OUCH! But perfect reading for a cold Wednesday, when feeling a bit sick and a bit miserable...and maybe the family can finish off that Harry Potter movie, too..Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry, I'm a little behind. I love The Power and the Glory!! I'll have to post it to Goodreads soon. Hope you're feeling better.