Friday, July 03, 2009

Mass in the Extraordinary Form.

One of the priests in our parish celebrated Mass in the Extraordinary Form on Wednesday. On Alexander's eighteenth birthday. Mass of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus .

Mass in the Extraordinary Form?

The Mass most often attended in our parish is that of the Ordinary Form, the Mass is celebrated according to the Missale Romanum of 1969, promulgated by Pope Paul VI. This form is widely celebrated in the vernacular.

In the Extraordinary Form, Mass is celebrated according to the Missale Romanum of 1570. A Latin Mass. This Missal was codified at the Council of Trent, but was in use at least since the time of St. Gregory the Great. It is used today according to the 1962 edition, promulgated by Blessed Pope John XXIII during the Second Vatican Council.

The Catechism of the Catholic Church : The mystery of Christ is so unfathomably rich that it cannot be exhausted by its expression in any single liturgical tradition. (CCC, 1201)

When I pray at Mass in the Extraordinary Form, I remember the mystery of faith, I remember all the saints, all the faithful who have prayed in this mass during the history of the Church.

I am encouraged and lifted up as a Christian ( Sursum Corda!), my belief is strengthened and the Catechism says : the liturgy itself generates cultures and shapes them. [ (CCC, #1207)


molly said...

I love the Tridentine mass, it is so reverent and beautiful. I, too, think of all teh great saints who were edified at this Holy Mass, it does give me a sense of connectedness.

Leonie said...

Molly, its another one of our similarities.