Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Mathematics activity - timelines

Anthony has been having fun with time activities this week .

The Year 5 Maths Key Learning Area, in the state's syllabus indicator, states
' In Measurement, students measure, estimate and calculate in situations involving time, duration of time and simple rates. They interpret time-lines and complex timetables and schedules relevant to their lives.'

Here are some time and time line activities -
Time activities - sample unit of work

Now, most of these activities are undertaken as part of life - at least, that is how Anthony has come to understand time and schedules and timetables.

One fun activity that he did yesterday, however, was suggested by a Year 5 Maths book. Anthony ( and a visiting homeschool boy) took the idea on board.

Anthony made a mini timeline of his life, selecting photographs from different stages of his life with the help of our homeschool visitor, adding the year and place and state in which he lived at the time.

Anthony's timeline now sits on our fridge - more refrigerator strewing.

Of course, this also fits in the Society and Environment educational stream - Change and Continuity; Social Structures and Systems; Place.

Most importantly, this was a fun, high interest activity, with a lot of discussion about how family members look and about the different places we have lived.

I thought other kids might like this activity, too.


Anonymous said...


I will show this to my oldest tomorrow - I bet she will be inspired!


Leonie said...

It is so sweet so remember how they looked as babies and toddlers - and then now.