Monday, July 30, 2007

Two quotes

From two very different sources.

And yet they seem connected to me, in support of unschooling, in support of the type of living and learning that occurs in our Catholic homeschool.

"The trouble with talk about 'learning experiences' is that it implies that all experiences can be divided into two kinds, those from which we learn something, and those from which we learn nothing. but there are no experiences from which we learn nothing. We learn from everything we do, and everything that happens to us or is done to us."John Holt, Instead of Education

And, from ZENIT News, July 25 ~ One of the priests asked the Holy Father about enjoying human things, such as recreation. "I liked playing soccer more than going to Eucharistic adoration," the priest said, explaining that his superiors in the seminary scolded him for this. "Doesn't bringing man close to God, and God to man, happen in our humanity, even for us priests?" he asked the Pontiff.

"I would be against choosing whether to play soccer or to study sacred Scripture or canon law. Let us do both," Benedict XVI responded. "We cannot always live in high meditation; maybe a saint at the highest levels of his earthly existence can do that, but normally we live with our feet on the ground and our eyes fixed on heaven. "Both are given to us by the Lord and therefore loving human things, loving the beauty of this earth, is not just very human, but also very Christian and quite Catholic."

The Pope said that a "healthy and truly Catholic pastoral care" includes living in what he called the "et-et," Latin for "and-and."

He explained that this should prompt us "to live humanity and the humanism of mankind, all the gifts that the Lord has given us, which we have developed and, at the same time, not to forget God, because in the end the great light comes from God and only from him comes the light that gives joy to the realities of the things that exist."

"Therefore," the Holy Father said, "I would like to work for this great Catholic synthesis, for this 'et-et'; to be truly man -- that everyone according to their own gifts and their own charism loves the earth and the beautiful things the Lord has given us, but to also be grateful for the light of God that shines on the earth, that gives splendor and beauty to everything else."

"Let us live in this Catholicity joyously. This would be my answer," Benedict XVI concluded, prompting applause from the priests present.


molly said...

Thanks Leonie I love good new things to ponder.


Leonie said...

I really enjoyed the Pope's comments..

Willa said...

Leonie, the Pope's quote reminds me of some of the things that the radical unschoolers say about "both...and" rather than "either...or". It's OK to have both some junk food AND healthy food; OK to play VGs AND read good books; and so on. That seems very Catholic -- to celebrate and enjoy all that is not sin.

Leonie said...

yes, I agree, Willa. I have always liked the idea of "both", of complementary ideas and activities and that not everything has to be a choice between one thing and another.

Marianne Elizabeth said...

I got tears in my eyes reading the quotes from our pope! I will have to read Jesus of Nazareth next. Thanks, Leonie.


Leonie said...

I am enjoying Jesus of Nazareth, Marianne. The little I have read, that is!