Sunday, May 02, 2010

Spiritual Motherhood for Priests

I shared this on Facebook, as a reminder of the First Sunday of the month and of the commitment our Women's Group in our parish has made, a commitment to pray for priests and for religious and for vocations. Vocations especially from our parish.

But, you know, we all need this reminder. And this,well, inspiring article needs to be kept for my own, personal, future reference, here on "the blog."

As I say to my kids, "It ain't real until it's blogged!"

Understanding the Vocation of Spiritual Motherhood of Priests

I sat listening to the chairman of pastoral planning for the archdiocese describing upcoming changes that we could expect in our parishes due to the advancing age of our priests and the still inadequate number of new vocations to the priesthood. The question confronting us and most dioceses is: How will we do it with fewer priests, raise up more active lay participation within the parish? While empowering the laity in their call to transform the secular sphere and to support priests by their active participation in parishes in areas not requiring ordination remain important elements in invigorating the Church, another rather unheard of and specific initiative has been proposed by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy. On December 8, 2007, in a little known document entitled Adoration, Reparation, Spiritual Motherhood for Priests, Cladio Cardinal Hummes, the Prefect for the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy, proposed fighting this spiritual crisis with a “spiritual endeavor.” He suggests forming and facilitating the vocation of spiritual motherhood for priests- spiritually mature women willing to offer their lives and pray at the Cross for priests and the priesthood.

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