Friday, January 21, 2011

And so...

I'm off to do unschooling.

Do unschooling, I hear you say? Is unschooling something you do or something you live?

I am not sure, having unschooled forever, ever since I read Teach Your Own, as a young mum of (then) three, with occasional forays into doing school like Charlotte Mason or that classical model. Well, even after all these years of unschoolng, I am not sure what it is.

Pretty weird, huh? Pretty unschool-ish?

All I know is that we unschool. We learn, live our life. We inspire, we sometimes require. We achieve educational outcomes. We achieve life.

And so, I'm off to do unschooling. Having talked about St Fabian and liturgy ( lex orandi, lex credendi), having read about St Sebastion and celebrations in Kerala, India ( hey, we met a priest this week, one who grew up in Kerala) , having looked at the saints book while making and drinking tea and seeing St Agnes ( horrible painting chosen for the saint, a martyr, a virgin)..having done all these things, we are unschooling by cooking to celebrate the liturgical year.

Curry for St Sebastian.

And toasted cinnamon donuts with ice cream for St Agnes.

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