Really. I never thought of myself that way.
But I think I was a bit of a Mean Mum today.
We had surfing lessons . This was the second lesson for Anthony and Thomas ( Jonathon and Alexander have surfed before).
The surf was rough. They got dumped. They wanted to come in and sit down.
And I wouldn't let them.
I didn't beat them but I did cajole them. Or maybe, in St Paul's words, I
exhorted them.
I sort of ordered them. I felt bad about it but I felt pushed to do it myself.
I knew that, if they could just get over the hump, over the difficult bit, they would feel progress. They would feel proud of themselves.
I see it all the time in myself - if I push a little harder and don't give up with my Bootcamp workouts, I feel great about myself. I feel like I can accomplish anything.
And, eventually, I can do it! The squat thrust, the duck walks, the many pushups or situps...
I told the boys - "Go for it. Stay in. Don't give up. No pain no gain ( Thanks Billy Blanks!). You can do it. Little steps. I have faith in you."
And I cheered when they got up on their boards. And commiserated when they were dumped.
And bought them lunch out afterwards.
A Mean Mum? Yes, in some respects.
But you should have seen their smiles at the end. Anny text messaged his oldest brother, Luke, with his achievement.
We talked about another of *Billy Blanks' maxims -
"Where I am today is where my mind put me. Where I'll be tomorrow is where my mind'll put me." Blanks taebo website